Pro-Israel Vigilantes Clash with Pro-Palestine Activists at UCLA

Pro-Israel vigilantes stormed the “Palestine Solidarity Encampment” at UCLA, sparking battles with activists. UCLA had allowed the encampment to occupy the main plaza on campus and pro-Palestinian activists to run their own security.

Key Points

  • Pro-Israel vigilantes storm “Palestine Solidarity Encampment”
  • Violent clashes erupt between pro-Israel and pro-Palestine groups
  • Videos show activists restricting access to Jewish students
  • UCLA allowed the encampment to occupy campus plaza
  • Governor Gavin Newsom monitors the situation
  • Law enforcement intervenes after initial chaos
  • Similar incidents reported at Columbia University


  • Proactive reporting on a contentious situation
  • Highlights the clash between different activist groups


  • Violence and chaos on a university campus
  • Lack of police intervention during the initial clashes