Recent News Headlines

Riot police confront antisemitic mob at UCLA, Trump aims to flip key battlegrounds, House committee summons NPR chief, Tennessee AG defies Biden admin, Michael Cohen TikTok videos stun legal observers, Rep. Ilhan Omar sparks backlash with controversial comment, Zebra on the loose in bizarre scene

Key Points

  • Riot police intervention at UCLA against antisemitic mob
  • Trump's strategy to flip key battleground states
  • NPR chief summoned by House committee
  • Tennessee AG opposing Biden admin's policies
  • Michael Cohen's TikTok videos affecting legal cases
  • Controversial comments by Rep. Ilhan Omar
  • Unusual incident of zebras running freely on the road


  • Covering a range of current events
  • Highlighting various political viewpoints and controversies


  • Potential bias in reporting due to source being Fox News