Republican Senators Accuse Biden of Being More Critical of Israel Than Anti-Israel Protests on College Campuses

Republican senators accuse President Biden of being more critical of U.S. ally Israel than the anti-Israel protests on college campuses. Sen. Tom Cotton condemns the protests and urges Biden to take action.

Key Points

  • Sen. Tom Cotton condemns anti-Israel protests on college campuses and calls for action from President Biden
  • Republican senators accuse Biden of showing more criticism towards Israel than the anti-Israel protests
  • Calls for federal action to address the escalating protests and riots


  • Sheds light on the tensions between U.S. ally Israel and anti-Israel protests on college campuses
  • Highlights the concerns raised by Republican senators regarding President Biden's stance on the issue


  • One-sided perspective from Republican senators
  • Lack of direct condemnation from President Biden on the protests