Anti-Biden Uncommitted Movement in Maryland

The national anti-Biden uncommitted movement is growing, with efforts in Maryland to protest Biden's handling of the Israel-Hamas war by encouraging voters to cast 'uncommitted' votes in the Democrat primary. The movement aims to advocate for a permanent ceasefire and an end to military aid to Israel. Similar movements are happening in other states as well.

Key Points

  • Our Revolution and other groups are organizing 'Vote Uncommitted' rallies in Maryland to protest Biden's handling of the Israel-Hamas war
  • Similar movements are happening in other states like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania
  • The movement aims to send a message to the Biden administration to advocate for peace and end military aid to Israel


  • Advocates for peace and a permanent ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict
  • Encourages political engagement and voting in the Democrat primary


  • Could potentially divide the Democratic voter base
  • May not have a significant impact on Biden's policies