Anti-Israel Demonstrations on College Campuses

Rep. Josh Gottheimer, D-N.J., reacts to anti-Israel demonstrations on college campuses and comments on federal response to protests. President Biden addresses issue, emphasizing the need for safety and condemning violence. House passes bill to expand legal definition of antisemitism used to enforce anti-discrimination laws.

Key Points

  • Bipartisan effort to combat antisemitism and protect students on college campuses.
  • Importance of civil discourse and debate while condemning harassment and discrimination.
  • President Biden emphasizes the right to protest peacefully and the need for safety on campus.


  • Bipartisan legislation passed to clearly define antisemitism and protect individuals on campus from harassment and intimidation.
  • President Biden addresses the issue, emphasizing the right to protest peacefully and condemning violence.
  • House votes to expand legal definition of antisemitism to enforce anti-discrimination laws.


  • Critics argue that the bill may negatively impact free speech on campus.
  • Opposition to the bill led by Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., citing concerns of government overreach.