Comparison of Anti-Israel Protests to Jan. 6 on College Campuses

MSNBC's Rev. Al Sharpton compared anti-Israel protests on college campuses to Jan. 6, suggesting Democrats were losing moral high ground by not condemning them. Sharpton argued that the protests had lost their original message and became about the protesters themselves.

Key Points

  • Al Sharpton compared anti-Israel protests to Jan. 6 on MSNBC's 'Morning Joe'
  • Protests at UCLA were broken up by police
  • Sharpton criticized the protesters for losing focus on the cause they were advocating for


  • Highlighting the need for Democrats to address anti-Israel protests on college campuses
  • Encouraging protesters to stay focused on the cause they are advocating for


  • Making a controversial comparison between anti-Israel protests and Jan. 6 events
  • Suggesting that the protests lost their original message and became self-centered