Creation of War Crimes Court in Liberia

President Joseph Boakai signed an executive order to create a war crimes court in Liberia to bring justice to victims of civil wars. The court aims to prosecute individuals responsible for mass killings, torture, and sexual violence. International donors are called upon to fund the court, with the U.S. expressing interest in supporting it. Various individuals, including former warlords and leaders, are to be tried for war crimes.

Key Points

  • President Boakai signed the executive order to create the court
  • International donors, including the U.S., are expected to fund the court
  • Various individuals, including former leaders, are to be tried for war crimes


  • Brings justice to victims of civil wars
  • Establishes accountability for war crimes
  • Aims to build respect for the rule of law in Liberia


  • Long process ahead to set up an independent and effective court
  • Some individuals accused may still hold positions of power