Daily Wire obtains gag order against Candace Owens

SOURCE nypost.com
The right-leaning news site Daily Wire obtained a gag order against former host Candace Owens after she criticized Israel and questioned Ben Shapiro's views on the country. Despite public negotiations for a debate, the company sought to silence Owens through a private arbitrator.

Key Points

  • Daily Wire obtained a gag order against Candace Owens after she criticized Israel and questioned Ben Shapiro's views
  • Despite public negotiations for a debate, the company sought to silence Owens through a private arbitrator
  • Owens' departure from Daily Wire was influenced by her vocal criticisms of Israel and views on antisemitism


  • Transparency in reporting on internal conflicts within a media organization
  • Discussion of differing opinions and views on Israel and antisemitism


  • Gag order limiting freedom of speech
  • Internal conflicts and public disagreements affecting the reputation of the individuals involved