Eligibility Standards for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum in the Military

SOURCE abcnews.go.com
Applicants and military members advocate for a review of eligibility standards in the American military to allow individuals on the autism spectrum to serve. Many are currently turned away due to their diagnosis, despite their capabilities and potential contributions.

Key Points

  • Advocates argue that individuals with autism should not be automatically disqualified from military service based on their diagnosis.
  • Some military members hide their autism to avoid being discharged, leading to potential negative consequences.
  • Efforts are being made to review and revise eligibility standards for individuals on the autism spectrum in the military.


  • Advocates believe that individuals on the autism spectrum should not be disqualified from joining the military solely due to their diagnosis.
  • Some military members with autism have proven to be valuable assets, bringing unique skills and perspectives to their roles.


  • The U.S. Department of Defense considers autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to be a disqualifying condition for military service, leading to many qualified candidates being turned away.
  • The waiver process for individuals with ASD can be opaque and lengthy, creating challenges for those seeking to serve.