Fraudulent Activity in NYC Department of Homeless Services

A NYC Department of Homeless Services fraud investigator has been charged with fraudulently claiming unemployment benefits during the COVID-19 pandemic by selling information of vulnerable New Yorkers to an identity theft scammer. The scheme involved accessing personal data of homeless individuals and filing false COVID unemployment claims.

Key Points

  • Olabanji Otufale, a NYC fraud investigator, is accused of accessing personal information of homeless New Yorkers and selling it to an identity theft scammer
  • The scheme involved filing false COVID unemployment claims using the victims' identities
  • Both Otufale and the scammer, Mark Lazarre, face charges related to aggravated identity theft and wire fraud


  • Swift action taken by authorities to investigate and press charges against the individuals involved


  • Exploitation of vulnerable individuals during a national emergency for personal gain
  • Misuse of federal relief funds meant to assist those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic