Orangutan Healing with Medicinal Plants

SOURCE metro.co.uk
A male Sumatran orangutan named Rakus was seen using medicinal plants to heal a wound on his face in a world-first observation. The plant has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties and the wound healed within a month. Orangutans are highly intelligent and share many genes with humans.

Key Points

  • Rakus, a male Sumatran orangutan, used Akar Kuning plant to heal a wound on his face
  • The wound healed within a month with no signs of infection
  • Orangutans demonstrate high intelligence and problem-solving skills


  • Observation of a wild animal using medicinal plants for healing
  • Insight into the intelligence and problem-solving abilities of orangutans
  • Potential implications for understanding the origins of wound treatment behavior


  • Limited sample size of observation (only one orangutan)
  • Unclear how widespread this behavior is among orangutans
  • Possible challenges in generalizing findings to other wildlife populations