Palestinians in Gaza Crowdfunding to Flee Conflict

Palestinians in Gaza are turning to crowdfunding to raise money to flee the war-torn region, with many facing exorbitant fees to cross into Egypt. Strangers from around the world are helping fund these efforts, but bureaucratic hurdles and delays are still prevalent.

Key Points

  • Over $75 million has been raised through more than 12,000 GoFundMe campaigns for Palestinians in Gaza since October 7th
  • Many fundraising efforts are facing challenges in getting the raised funds into Egypt and navigating the crossing process
  • Egyptian officials deny allegations of bribery at the crossing, contributing to the chaotic and exploitative situation


  • Crowdfunding campaigns are helping Palestinians in Gaza raise money to escape the conflict
  • Strangers from around the world are stepping in to support these fundraising efforts


  • Exorbitant fees, reaching up to $18,000, are required for Palestinians to cross into Egypt
  • Bureaucratic hurdles and delays are making it difficult for Palestinians to leave Gaza even after raising the necessary funds