U.S. Army's Psychological Operations Recruitment Video

SOURCE www.breitbart.com
A recruitment video from the U.S. Army's Psychological Operations division, known as 'Ghosts in the Machine 2', uses cryptic messages and haunting imagery to recruit soldiers for intellectual warfare. The video aims to showcase the power of words and ideas in influencing opinions and actions.

Key Points

  • Recruitment video titled 'Ghosts in the Machine 2' released by the U.S. Army's Psychological Operations division
  • Features cryptic messages, historic speeches, and haunting imagery to emphasize the power of words and ideas
  • Aims to recruit soldiers for strategic influence and deception roles


  • Showcases the importance of psychological operations in influencing behavior
  • Uses creative and intriguing visuals to attract potential recruits


  • Content may be unsettling or anxiety-inducing to some viewers
  • Raises ethical concerns about the use of psychological operations on foreign entities