Gangs' Attack on Haiti's Police Chief

Gangs in Haiti stormed the neighborhood of the police chief, set his house on fire, and killed his dog. The police force, previously criticized, has gained respect for their efforts in defending government buildings. The gangs have control over many parts of Port-au-Prince, creating a sense of insecurity among residents. Despite facing challenges, the police are holding their ground against the gangs with limited resources.

Key Points

  • Gangs attacked the police chief's house, sending a chilling message
  • Police facing challenges with limited resources but gaining some success
  • International help delayed, leaving the police to combat gangs without support


  • Police force gaining respect for defending government buildings
  • Police efforts helping ease the stranglehold of gangs in some areas


  • Gangs controlling many parts of Port-au-Prince
  • Residents feeling unsafe due to gang violence