Controversy Surrounding Governor Kristi Noem's Memoir

South Dakota's governor Kristi Noem faces backlash for revelations in her upcoming memoir, including shooting her dog to death and inaccuracies in the book. She has lost support for justifying the animal killings, and her polling numbers have plummeted. Noem's book contains errors about meeting Kim Jong-un and a conversation with Nikki Haley, which her team has acknowledged and will correct. Threats led to the cancellation of a Republican fundraiser she was supposed to headline, and Donald Trump has expressed disgust over her actions, leading to speculation that she is no longer a potential vice-presidential candidate.

Key Points

  • Kristi Noem facing backlash for admitting to shooting her dog and inaccuracies in her memoir
  • Polling numbers dropping as justifications for animal killings are not well-received
  • Errors in the book regarding meeting Kim Jong-un and conversation with Nikki Haley acknowledged and to be corrected
  • Threats leading to cancellation of events where Noem was scheduled to appear
  • Donald Trump expressing disgust over Noem's actions, potentially eliminating her as a vice-presidential candidate


  • Open dialogue about the ethical treatment of animals
  • Transparency in admitting errors in the book


  • Loss of public support and backlash for animal killings
  • Cancellation of events due to threats