Donald Trump's Promise to Build an Iron Dome Missile Defense System for the U.S.

Former President Donald Trump promised to build an Iron Dome missile defense system for the U.S. during a campaign rally in Michigan, but did not mention using it to defend against Canada. The Iron Dome is a missile defense system first used by Israel in 2011 to shoot down short-range rockets. Defense experts doubt a missile defense system can shield the entire U.S., as Trump suggests.

Key Points

  • Trump's promise to build an Iron Dome system for the U.S.
  • The Iron Dome's origins and capabilities
  • Doubt surrounding the effectiveness of a missile defense system to shield the entire U.S.


  • Potential enhancement of U.S. missile defense capabilities.


  • Doubtful effectiveness in shielding the entire U.S. as suggested by Trump.
  • Misrepresentation in social media claims about defending against Canada.