Israeli Prime Minister's 'Gaza 2035' Plan

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released a utopian plan for a rebuilt Gaza called “Gaza 2035,” envisioning a thriving center of trade and innovation under Palestinian administration focused on economic growth. The plan involves three stages of rebuilding, creation of free trade zones, and normalization with nearby Arab states.

Key Points

  • Three-stage process of rebuilding
  • Focus on economic growth and trade
  • Normalization between Israel and Saudi Arabia
  • Potential union between West Bank and Gaza


  • Envisions a future for Gaza as a thriving center of trade and innovation
  • Focuses on economic growth under a de-radicalized Palestinian administration
  • Calls for creation of a massive free trade zone among Israel, Gaza, and Egypt
  • Draws upon emerging agreements for desalination technology and solar energy


  • Palestinians have rejected similar plans before
  • Uncertain whether the plan will draw support