Legislation to Combat Anti-Israel Speech

SOURCE www.leefang.com
The House of Representatives passed a bill empowering the federal government to crack down on student protests by defining antisemitism to include certain criticism of Israel. Similar legislation has been passed or proposed in several states. The laws require government entities to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism, which some critics argue encroaches on free speech rights.

Key Points

  • Federal bill targets antisemitism on college campuses
  • State laws enhance penalties for hate crimes related to Israel
  • Legislation requires adoption of IHRA definition of antisemitism
  • Critics argue legislation may suppress free speech rights


  • Empowers the federal government to address antisemitism on college campuses
  • Supports pro-Israel groups in combating anti-Israel speech


  • Critics argue that the legislation encroaches on First Amendment-protected speech
  • May suppress protected speech criticizing Israel or supporting Palestinians