London Mayor Sadiq Khan's Re-election

Sadiq Khan, the Labour Party's mayor of London, won a record third term, securing over a million votes. The U.K.'s Conservative Party faced disappointing results ahead of a general election.

Key Points

  • Sadiq Khan won a record third term as London mayor with over a million votes.
  • Labour Party saw success in various elections across England.
  • Conservative Party faced disappointing results ahead of a general election.


  • Khan secured a record third term as London mayor with over a million votes.
  • He has multiple achievements such as expanding housebuilding, providing free school meals, and backing minority groups.
  • Labour saw success in various elections across England.


  • Critics argue Khan oversaw a crime surge and has been divisive, particularly in the suburbs.
  • Labour's vote in strongly Muslim areas was depressed due to the party's pro-Israel stance.