2024 Presidential Race

SOURCE www.nbcnews.com
The 2024 presidential race between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump is stable on the surface but uncertain beneath it, with both candidates facing unfavorable views from voters. The race is close, with Trump holding a narrow lead in polls. The election is expected to be the most expensive in American history, with major concerns including the economy, inflation, abortion rights, and candidates' ability to bring the country together.

Key Points

  • Stable yet uncertain 2024 presidential race
  • Significant fundraising edge for Biden
  • Key concerns include the economy, inflation, and abortion rights


  • Stable race between Biden and Trump with close polling results
  • Biden has a significant fundraising advantage
  • Polls show Biden leading on issues like abortion rights


  • Majorities of registered voters have unfavorable views of both Biden and Trump
  • Low interest in the election among American voters
  • Uncertainty due to potential wild cards like third-party candidates