Confidence in U.S. Economic Leaders

Americans are less confident in President Joe Biden's ability to manage the U.S. economy compared to previous presidents, with confidence in Biden, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell, and congressional leaders below 50%. Partisan divisions play a significant role in confidence levels, with Democrats trusting Biden and Powell, while Republicans trust Trump. Independents have the most confidence in Trump. Overall, confidence in key economic leaders is low, and Americans lack trust in those managing the economy.

Key Points

  • Confidence in Biden, Powell, and congressional leaders below 50%
  • Partisan divisions play a significant role in confidence levels
  • Historical comparison shows varying levels of confidence in past presidents and Fed Chairs


  • Detailed analysis of Americans' confidence in key economic leaders
  • Insights into partisan differences in economic confidence
  • Historical comparison of confidence levels in presidents and Federal Reserve Chairs


  • Partisan divisions impacting overall confidence levels
  • Low confidence in current economic leaders across the board