Madonna free concert on Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro

Madonna performs a free concert on Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro, drawing an estimated 1.6 million attendees. The event was the last show of The Celebration Tour, featuring classic hits and special guest appearances. Fans from around the world flocked to Rio for the historic performance.

Key Points

  • Madonna's first retrospective tour, The Celebration Tour, concluded in Rio de Janeiro
  • The concert was the biggest in Madonna's four-decade career, surpassing attendance records
  • Madonna paid tribute to AIDS victims during the performance
  • Local businesses capitalized on the event with themed merchandise and promotions


  • Madonna's free concert attracted an estimated 1.6 million attendees
  • The event injected millions into the local economy and boosted tourism in Rio de Janeiro
  • Fans enjoyed classic hits and special guest appearances during the show


  • Concerns over security and potential theft/muggings during the mega-event