The final episode of 'Friends' aired on May 6, 2004, leaving young adults around the world feeling the loss. The show, set in New York City, portrayed the lives of six 20-somethings in search of love and meaning. The death of Matthew Perry in 2023 reignited the connection fans felt to the show.
Key Points
Final episode aired on May 6, 2004
Matthew Perry's death in 2023 reignited fan connection
Tourist attractions like 'The Friends Experience' showcase the show's legacy
The show's humor and ensemble cast performances have stood the test of time.
It has a global fan base that continues to resonate with audiences.
The connection fans feel to the show is evident in tributes and tourist attractions.
The show's setting in Manhattan has led to confusion among tourists regarding filming locations.
Some fans were distraught by the death of Matthew Perry in 2023.