Current Events

Israeli tanks take control of Gaza side of Rafah's border crossing into Egypt amid cease-fire negotiations with Hamas. Social Security's finances show slight improvement but trust fund expected to run out by 2033. FAA investigating Boeing over incomplete inspections. NPR reports on U.S. Customs and Border Protection's role in immigration debate. Met Gala raises funds for Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute.

Key Points

  • Cease-fire negotiations in Rafah
  • Social Security trust fund running out by 2033
  • FAA investigation into Boeing inspections
  • Role of U.S. Customs and Border Protection in immigration
  • Met Gala fundraising event


  • Cease-fire negotiations between Israel and Hamas are ongoing
  • Improvement in Social Security's finances
  • FAA investigating Boeing to ensure aircraft safety
  • NPR reporting on U.S. Customs and Border Protection's role in immigration
  • Met Gala raises funds for the Metropolitan Museum of Art


  • Potential conflict escalation in Rafah
  • Social Security trust fund expected to run out by 2033
  • Concerns over Boeing's inspection practices
  • Controversy surrounding U.S. Customs and Border Protection's treatment of migrants