Impact of Earth's Magnetic Field on Evolution

Earth's magnetic field almost collapsed 591 million years ago, leading to the emergence of complex life forms, according to new research. The weakening of the magnetic field allowed oxygen levels to increase, contributing to the evolution of larger, more complex animals.

Key Points

  • Earth's magnetic field weakened significantly 591 million years ago
  • Weak magnetic field led to increased oxygen levels and the emergence of complex life forms
  • Inner core solidified after 565 million years ago, strengthening the magnetic shield


  • The weakening of Earth's magnetic field allowed for the emergence of complex life forms
  • Increased oxygen levels due to the weak magnetic field aided in the evolution of larger animals
  • Discovery sheds light on the relationship between magnetic fields, oxygen levels, and biological evolution


  • The exact causal link between the weak magnetic field and biological evolution is still being debated
  • Verification of the hypothesis could take decades of challenging work