House Speaker Mike Johnson facing threats of ousting from House Republicans

House Speaker Mike Johnson is facing threats of ousting from House Republicans led by Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Thomas Massie due to demands on foreign aid and government funding. Some GOP lawmakers are cautioning against making side deals with the rebels.

Key Points

  • House Speaker Mike Johnson is in discussions with GOP rebels, including Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Thomas Massie, regarding demands on foreign aid and government funding.
  • Some GOP lawmakers caution against making side deals with the rebels, emphasizing the importance of party unity.
  • The demands include assurances on voting for Ukraine aid, defunding Special Counsel Jack Smith's investigation, and adhering to the Hastert rule.
  • House Speaker Johnson stresses that discussions are not negotiations but rather assessments of ideas for improvements.


  • Open discussions and negotiations within the GOP conference
  • Challenging the speaker to consider the demands of certain members
  • Highlighting the importance of maintaining party unity


  • Potential for division within the Republican Party
  • Concerns about making separate arrangements with specific members
  • Threat of ousting the House Speaker could lead to instability