Pro-Palestinian Student Protests at U.S. Colleges

Pro-Palestinian student protesters at several U.S. colleges have reached agreements with administrators, leading to the dismantling of protest encampments. Demands vary but generally call for an end to the Israel-Hamas war and divestment from companies tied to Israel. Schools like Northwestern, Brown, Rutgers, and the University of Minnesota have made commitments such as allowing peaceful demonstrations, providing scholarships for Palestinian students, and improving campus spaces for Muslim students.

Key Points

  • Pro-Palestinian student protesters at various U.S. colleges have struck deals with administrations
  • Demands include ending the Israel-Hamas war and divesting from companies linked to Israel
  • Schools like Northwestern, Brown, Rutgers, and the University of Minnesota have made commitments
  • Agreements involve permitting peaceful demonstrations, providing scholarships, and more


  • Agreements reached between student protesters and administrators
  • Commitments made by schools to address protesters' demands
  • Opportunities for dialogue and progress in the long-standing fight for divestment


  • Rising tensions on some campuses
  • Disagreements and concerns from certain student groups and Jewish organizations