U.S. Policy on Venezuela Sanctions

SOURCE www.breitbart.com
The U.S. is considering easing sanctions on Venezuela's socialist regime if dictator Nicolás Maduro takes steps towards implementing a 'free and fair' electoral agreement, despite past violations. Companies like Chevron and Maurel & Prom are seeking authorization to continue operations in Venezuela.

Key Points

  • Biden administration willing to ease sanctions on Venezuela if meaningful steps are taken towards free and fair elections
  • Maduro regime failed to uphold previous agreements like the Barbados Agreement
  • Companies like Chevron, Maurel & Prom, and Reliance seeking authorization to continue operations in Venezuela


  • Encourages inclusive and competitive elections in Venezuela
  • Allows U.S. companies to engage in business dealings with PDVSA


  • Maduro has repeatedly violated past agreements
  • Regime's human rights abuses and sham election practices