California jury awards $1 million to former students in lawsuit against private high school

California jury awards $1 million to two former students in lawsuit against private high school after being forced to withdraw due to misinterpretation of photo as blackface. Former students cleared of accusations with jury finding school guilty of failing to do a proper investigation and breach of an oral contract.

Key Points

  • Former students filed a lawsuit against the private high school for $20 million
  • Jury awarded $500,000 each to the former students and $70,000 tuition reimbursements
  • Jury found school guilty of failing to do a proper investigation and breach of an oral contract


  • Former students awarded $1 million in lawsuit against school
  • Former students cleared of accusations
  • Jury found school guilty of failing to do a proper investigation and breach of an oral contract


  • Former students faced racial controversy and were forced to withdraw from school