Geothermal Energy in the United States

The geothermal industry in the United States is poised for growth, with the White House aiming to increase development by twentyfold. Boise's geothermal system is a key component in meeting the city's climate goals, providing renewable and emissions-free heating. Transitioning workers from oil and gas to geothermal is a challenge, but bipartisan legislation and funding aim to support the industry's growth.

Key Points

  • White House aims to increase geothermal development by twentyfold
  • Boise's geothermal system plays a key role in the city's climate neutrality goals
  • Bipartisan legislation and funding are supporting the growth of the geothermal industry


  • Renewable and emissions-free energy source
  • Stable baseload fuel to supplement wind and solar
  • Potential to provide power to millions of homes


  • Hugely expensive to extract compared to conventional drilling
  • Transitioning workers from oil and gas industry is challenging