Pro-Hamas Propaganda and Weapons Found at University Campuses

University protesters claiming to support Palestinian humanitarian rights found with pro-Hamas propaganda and weapons at the University of Texas and other campuses. Materials call for the elimination of Israel and Israelis through violence, including celebrating rocket attacks and rejecting peace solutions.

Key Points

  • Pro-Hamas propaganda materials found at the University of Texas and other campuses.
  • Materials celebrate the death of Jews, call for the elimination of Israel through violence.
  • Weapons and tools, including rocks, chains, and barricading materials, discovered at encampments.
  • Evidence suggests ties to recognized terrorist groups like Hamas and the PLO.


  • Exposes the presence of pro-Hamas propaganda and weapons at university campuses.
  • Raises awareness about extremist ideologies and activities on college campuses.


  • Poses a security threat to the university community and law enforcement officers.
  • Promotes violence and supports terrorist groups like Hamas.