Repatriation of American citizens from Syrian refugee camp

A family of 10 American citizens who were held in a Syrian refugee camp for relatives of ISIS militants have been repatriated to the United States after complicated international negotiations led by the State Department. One family member was arrested upon landing in New York.

Key Points

  • Complicated international negotiations led by the State Department
  • Family of 10 repatriated to the U.S., with one member arrested
  • Additional Americans still being held in Syrian camps
  • Camps serve as training grounds for jihadism and extremism
  • Efforts to reintegrate repatriated individuals into society for long-term global security


  • Ensuring the safety and well-being of American citizens
  • Preventing potential radicalization in Syrian camps
  • Reintegrating individuals back into society


  • Concerns about importing potential terrorists
  • Challenges in identifying and locating all American citizens in Syrian camps
  • Uncertainty about the intentions and past actions of repatriated individuals