Russian Threat to Baltic Countries and NATO Response

Head of Poland's counterintelligence warns of potential Russian attack on Baltic countries to test NATO response, but believes West's support for Ukraine may deter Putin. NATO on standby as Russia conducts nuclear exercises. Poland prepared to deploy nuclear forces on borders if needed.

Key Points

  • Jarosław Stróżyk warns of potential Russian attack on Baltic countries
  • NATO member states prepared for any potential aggression
  • Poland ready to deploy nuclear forces on borders if necessary


  • Increased awareness of potential Russian aggression in the Baltic region
  • NATO member states are on standby to respond to any potential threat
  • Western support for Ukraine may deter Russian President Putin from launching an attack


  • Tensions and military build-up between Russia, Poland, and Belarus
  • Potential for escalation and conflict in the region
  • Concerns about the safety and security of Baltic countries