Stormy Daniels' Cross-Examination in New York Business Record Case

During the New York business record case, Stormy Daniels' cross-examination by Donald Trump's lawyers was described as devastating by CNN's chief legal analyst. The Trump team successfully undermined Daniels' credibility by getting her to admit she hates Trump and would celebrate if he went to jail. However, Daniels lacks direct evidence of falsifying business records, so the impact on the case may be limited.

Key Points

  • Stormy Daniels was cross-examined in the New York business record case.
  • The Trump team successfully got Daniels to admit she hates Trump and would celebrate if he went to jail.
  • Daniels was unable to explain what Trump was trying to hide between the Access Hollywood tape and election day in 2016.
  • The impact of Daniels' testimony on the case may be limited due to lack of direct evidence of falsifying business records.


  • Trump's lawyers were able to undermine Stormy Daniels' credibility.


  • Stormy Daniels lacks direct evidence of falsifying business records.