Controversy Surrounding Public Water Fluoridation

Communities across the U.S. are ending public water fluoridation programs, fueled by pandemic-related mistrust of government and misleading claims that fluoride is harmful, despite strong support from major public health groups for its proven benefits in fighting cavities.

Key Points

  • Fluoride has been added to public water supplies since the 1940s and has shown significant benefits in reducing tooth decay.
  • Resistance to fluoride stems from concerns over government control and individual consent.
  • Anti-fluoride activists raise fear tactics similar to anti-vaccine groups, despite lack of conclusive evidence against fluoride.


  • Fluoridated water has been proven to reduce tooth decay by 25%.
  • Major public health groups support the use of fluoridated water for dental health benefits.
  • Fluoride strengthens enamel and reduces cavity-causing acids in saliva.


  • Anti-fluoridation movement gaining traction fueled by pandemic-related mistrust and misleading claims.
  • Some communities are rejecting fluoridated water, citing concerns over consent and government control.
  • Opposition groups suggest fluoride may have negative health effects, despite lack of concrete evidence.