Discovery of Thick Atmosphere around Super Earth 55 Cancri e

Researchers have detected a thick atmosphere around a super Earth called 55 Cancri e, which is twice as big as Earth and has a significant atmosphere of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. The planet is unlikely to host life due to its extreme temperatures. The discovery opens up possibilities for finding other rocky planets with thick atmospheres that may be more hospitable.

Key Points

  • 55 Cancri e is a super Earth with a thick atmosphere
  • The planet's atmosphere is composed of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide
  • Unlikely to host life due to boiling temperatures reaching 4,200 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Discovery opens up possibilities for finding more hospitable rocky planets with thick atmospheres


  • Firm evidence of a significant atmosphere around 55 Cancri e
  • Promising sign for the existence of other rocky planets with thick atmospheres


  • Unlikely to host life due to extreme temperatures