Real Housewives scandal involving sexism and substance abuse accusations

Executive producer of Bravo’s The Real Housewives franchise Andy Cohen addresses recent scandal involving ex-Bravo stars, denies any regrets in handling the situation.

Key Points

  • Andy Cohen expresses no regrets in handling the situation and stands by his conduct.
  • Noting the evolution of societal sensitivities and the impact of social media on television production.
  • Specific incidents cited from past episodes highlighting changing standards over the years.


  • Andy Cohen addresses the scandal openly and asserts his pride in the relationships built during his time at the network.
  • Acknowledgment of changing social sensitivities and the impact of outrage culture on television production.


  • Accusations of sexism and substance abuse on set by ex-Bravo stars.
  • Lawsuits filed against Cohen and allegations of encouraging substance abuse for ratings.