Secret UFO Programs and Advocacy by U.S. Senators

Recently declassified documents reveal how Democratic senators, including Chuck Schumer and Harry Reid, advocated for the establishment of a secret UFO reverse-engineering program. Bipartisan support was received from high-profile senators. Despite some setbacks, legislation has been introduced to address the existence of secret UFO programs, with conflicting reports and ongoing investigations.

Key Points

  • Advocacy for a formal UFO reverse-engineering program by senators like Reid and Lieberman
  • Introduction of legislation by Schumer and Rounds addressing the existence of secret UFO programs
  • Ongoing investigations and conflicting reports regarding the presence of illicit UFO efforts


  • Advocacy by Democratic senators like Chuck Schumer and Harry Reid shed light on the existence of secret UFO programs
  • Bipartisan support from high-profile senators like John Glenn, Ted Stevens, Marco Rubio, and others brought attention to the issue
  • Legislation has been introduced to address the existence of secret UFO programs


  • Department of Homeland Security leadership quashed the proposed UFO program in 2011
  • Conflicting reports and lack of transparency regarding the existence of secret UFO programs