Thailand's Cannabis Legalization Reversal

The prime minister of Thailand wants to outlaw cannabis again due to concerns about children's access and increased crime, despite being the first country in Asia to legalize it two years ago. The market for cannabis was unregulated, leading to backlash and calls for restrictions on its use for medical purposes only.

Key Points

  • Thailand was the first country in Asia to legalize cannabis two years ago
  • Prime Minister wants to outlaw cannabis due to lack of regulation leading to increased crime and children's access
  • Calls for restrictions on cannabis use for medical purposes only
  • Decriminalization of cannabis in 2022 led to an unregulated market, prompting public backlash
  • Political parties, including the one that initiated decriminalization, now support restricting cannabis for medical use
  • Legal cannabis has boosted the tourism and farming sectors in Thailand


  • Addressing concerns about children's access to cannabis
  • Fighting criminal activities linked to the illegal drug trade


  • Potential negative impact on the economy, particularly on tourism and farming sectors
  • Opposition from cannabis advocates and entrepreneurs