U.S. Government and UFOs

SOURCE thehill.com
Declassified documents and legislation suggest that high-profile Democratic and Republican senators have advocated for the establishment of UFO reverse-engineering programs to gain access to and inventory UFOs secretly under investigation. Despite some setbacks, efforts to uncover and share information about UFOs continue in Congress.

Key Points

  • High-profile senators like Schumer, Reid, and Rubio have advocated for the investigation of UFOs and the establishment of reverse-engineering programs.
  • Efforts to share information about UFOs with the public have faced challenges and setbacks.
  • Legislation has been introduced to cut off funding for illicit UFO programs and ensure transparency in UFO investigations.


  • Efforts by senators like Chuck Schumer and Harry Reid to uncover UFO information show a commitment to transparency and national security.
  • Bipartisan support for investigating UFOs indicates a widespread interest in understanding potential extraterrestrial technologies.
  • Legislation introduced by senators like Kirsten Gillibrand and Marco Rubio aims to cut off funding for illicit UFO programs, showing a dedication to accountability.


  • The refusal of some high-level officials to cooperate with UFO investigations raises questions about the credibility of denials regarding the existence of secret UFO programs.