2024 Election and the Electoral College

SOURCE www.foxnews.com
The 2024 election may see a split vote among young voters in Michigan over Biden's stance on Israel, potentially enabling Trump to win. Changes in the Electoral College map could benefit Trump, with Republican-leaning states gaining votes and Democrat-leaning states losing votes. There is a proposal to switch to a national popular vote system, but concerns exist over neglecting smaller states and rural areas. The Founding Fathers' intention behind the Electoral College model was to prevent concentration of power in the largest states.

Key Points

  • Young voters in Michigan worried about Biden's stance on Israel affecting the election
  • Changes in the Electoral College map could favor Trump in 2024
  • Proposal for a national popular vote system raises concerns about neglecting smaller states and rural areas


  • Potential for a more contested election in 2024
  • Explanation of changes in the Electoral College map and its impact on the election


  • Concerns over the proposed switch to a national popular vote system
  • Possible neglect of smaller states and rural areas in such a system