California's Rising Abortion Rate

California's abortion rate rose to its highest level in a decade, with about 178,400 legal abortions in 2023, a 16% increase from 2020. Factors contributing to the rise include increased access to abortion in the state and people from states with abortion bans seeking care in California.

Key Points

  • California's abortion rate rose by 16% in 2023 to its highest level in a decade
  • Legislation in California has made it easier to access abortion services
  • Thousands of people from states with abortion bans sought medical care in California
  • California had the ninth-highest rate of abortions in America in 2023


  • Increased access to abortion in California
  • Legal protection for doctors performing abortions for out-of-state residents
  • Enhanced privacy protections for individuals seeking abortions


  • Rising abortion rates may indicate underlying issues in access to reproductive healthcare
  • Controversy and political polarization around abortion rights