Conflict between Israel and Palestinians at the United Nations

The U.N. General Assembly voted to grant new rights and privileges to Palestine and called on the Security Council to reconsider Palestine's request to become the 194th member of the United Nations. The U.S. and Israel voted against the resolution, emphasizing the need for direct negotiations between Israel and Palestine. The resolution provides Palestine with certain rights and privileges but does not grant full membership in the U.N.

Key Points

  • U.N. General Assembly voted to grant new rights and privileges to Palestine.
  • Resolution called on the Security Council to reconsider Palestine's membership request.
  • The U.S. and Israel opposed the resolution, stressing the need for direct negotiations.
  • Palestine gained non-member observer state status in the U.N. in 2012.


  • The resolution acknowledges the rights and privileges of Palestine in the United Nations.
  • It highlights the global support for Palestine's full membership in the U.N.


  • The U.S. and Israel voted against the resolution, emphasizing the need for direct negotiations between Israel and Palestine.
  • The resolution does not grant full membership to Palestine in the U.N.