Debate Over Chaplains in American Public Schools

Rocky Malloy, a man with a history of drug trafficking and rebel activity, is leading an effort to introduce chaplains into American public schools, supported by Republican lawmakers. This initiative has sparked debate over the separation of church and state, with advocates citing mental health benefits and critics raising concerns about potential conversion and discrimination. Malloy's National School Chaplain Association aims to spread religious teachings in classrooms, with claims of significant positive impact on students.

Key Points

  • Rocky Malloy's background includes drug trafficking and rebel group involvement.
  • The National School Chaplain Association aims to bring religious teachings to classrooms.
  • The debate over chaplains in schools extends to issues of religious influence and state funding.


  • Chaplains in schools could help address youth mental health crises.
  • They may provide spiritual care to students who cannot afford religious schools.
  • Supporters believe chaplains can guide troubled youth onto a positive path.


  • Introducing chaplains without clear boundaries could be harmful.
  • Critics fear chaplains may seek to convert students and promote specific beliefs.
  • Concerns about taxpayers funding chaplains' wages.