Legal Battle Between Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt Over Non-Disclosure Agreements and Winery

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are in a legal battle over non-disclosure agreements and their winery, Château Miraval. Jolie allegedly encouraged their children to avoid spending time with Pitt during custody visits. Pitt has requested Jolie to produce all NDAs she has signed to show she has 'improperly' used these agreements in the past.

Key Points

  • Jolie allegedly encouraged children to avoid spending time with Pitt
  • Pitt requested Jolie to produce all NDAs she has signed
  • Legal battle involves their winery, Château Miraval


  • Reveals details about a high-profile legal battle between two celebrities
  • Sheds light on the complexities of custody battles and non-disclosure agreements


  • Involves personal and sensitive matters of a celebrity couple