Ashley Madison: The Continued Saga of the Infamous Extramarital Affairs Website

Ashley Madison, the infamous website for extramarital affairs, remains popular despite a data breach due to its privacy commitment. The site has a significant number of Gen Z users and single men seeking married women for casual relationships. The platform serves as a discreet space for exploring non-monogamous relationships.

Key Points

  • Site remains popular with over 365,000 new signups monthly
  • 40% of members are Gen Z, with a notable increase in single men seeking married women
  • Emphasis on privacy attracts users seeking discreet relationships
  • Some members use the platform as a way to ease into dating post-divorce


  • Provides a discreet platform for online-initiated infidelity
  • Allows individuals to explore non-monogamous relationships privately


  • Controversial history, including a major data breach
  • Criticism for past deceptive practices