Climate catastrophe in southern Brazil and conspiracy theories

The climate catastrophe in southern Brazil has led to bizarre conspiracy theories on social media, blaming HAARP, chemtrails, and government orchestration for the disaster. Scientists attribute the extreme weather events to global warming and a combination of atmospheric conditions. The spread of misinformation is fueled by desperation for explanations and undermines trust in democratic institutions.

Key Points

  • Scientists attribute extreme weather events to a combination of factors including global warming and atmospheric conditions
  • Conspiracy theories blaming HAARP and chemtrails for the disaster lack scientific basis
  • Misinformation spreads on social media during times of uncertainty and disaster


  • Scientists provide evidence linking extreme weather events to global warming and atmospheric conditions
  • Public awareness is raised about the dangers of misinformation and conspiracy theories


  • Spread of false information undermines trust in democratic institutions and scientific consensus
  • Conspiracy theories perpetuate fear and confusion during times of disaster