Heart Disease Risk in U.S. Adults

SOURCE www.nbcnews.com
A study suggests that nearly 90% of adults over 20 in the U.S. are at risk of developing heart disease due to factors like obesity, diabetes, and kidney disease. Lifestyle changes can help reduce the risk.

Key Points

  • Study reveals nearly 90% of U.S. adults are at risk of heart disease.
  • Lifestyle changes like improved diet and increased activity can reduce the risk.
  • Obesity and unhealthy behaviors contribute to the high prevalence of heart disease risk.


  • Identifying high-risk individuals early can lead to better prevention and treatment of heart disease.
  • Raising awareness about the impact of lifestyle choices on heart health can encourage positive changes.
  • Including kidney disease in risk assessments can help identify more at-risk individuals.


  • High percentage of adults at risk indicates a significant health challenge in the U.S.
  • Obesity and unhealthy lifestyle choices are major contributing factors to the high risk of heart disease.
  • Younger adults also show concerning levels of risk factors for heart disease.