Roger Corman's Legacy in Hollywood

Roger Corman, the 'King of the Bs' known for low-budget classics like 'Little Shop of Horrors' and 'Attack of the Crab Monsters,' has passed away at the age of 98. He was a prolific filmmaker who gave many famous actors and directors their early breaks.

Key Points

  • Helped launch the careers of Francis Ford Coppola, Ron Howard, James Cameron, Martin Scorsese, Jack Nicholson, and more
  • Produced and directed hundreds of B-movies and discovered talent in the industry
  • Balanced low-budget filmmaking with releasing prestigious foreign films in the US


  • Pioneered low-budget filmmaking and discovered many talented filmmakers and actors
  • Received an honorary Academy Award in 2009 for his contributions to cinema
  • Influenced Hollywood's golden age in the 1970s with his B-movies
  • Known for releasing both B-movies and prestigious foreign films in the US


  • Many of his movies were quickly forgotten by mainstream audiences
  • Some of his higher budget films were disappointments due to studio interference