Rowan Clarke's Struggle with Long Covid

Rowan Clarke, a former DJ and world traveler, contracted long Covid in 2021 which led to memory loss, mobility issues, and chronic pain. Despite being bedridden for a year, he now manages to work part-time as a video editor and sound designer. He has lost his career, many friends, and struggles to explain his condition to people.

Key Points

  • Rowan Clarke, a former DJ and world traveler, was bedridden for a year due to long Covid
  • He experienced memory loss, mobility issues, and chronic pain as a result of the illness
  • Despite his struggles, Rowan now works part-time as a video editor and sound designer
  • He has lost his career and many friends, and finds it difficult to explain his condition to others


  • Rowan has been able to continue working part-time despite his health challenges
  • He has a supportive girlfriend who understands his condition


  • Rowan has lost his career and many friends due to his illness
  • He struggles to explain his condition to people and maintain relationships